Sunday, February 8, 2009

Some More Photo Cards

Photo cards are a great concept....I guess framing and keeping them would be a good idea.....and if the frame is also handmade, even better!!

I used one of my favorite childhood picture for this card......yup, that’s me with my mum and sister....guess which one is me :)

I plan to gift this to my mom, I’m sure she’ll love it.......

I used pages torn out from an old desk calendar to make the frame for this one......


  1. Awesome Work!!! Keep it up.
    I particularly liked the idea of photoframe. That one is a hit!

    The others are also cool. Way to go...

  2. Hey aunty ruby didi & u are looking really great in the card....i culd recollect old memories


I'd love to hear your comments about my cards